Monday, July 2, 2007

Wasted in the Twin Cities.

And off I went toward Minneapolis. Since I was so far out of the way, back roads were the only way to go without passing through Milwaukee. The route I took was the best driving part of this trip yet -- red barns and silos, trees separating fields, small towns and unincorporated intersections, the sun shining and Johnny Cash on the stereo. I was a happy bunny.
In Minneapolis, my second Italy roommate took me to dinner on the river and then out to bars downtown. It was pretty insane, the streets in the bar district packed with all sorts of people. What I remember is a good time.
Chelsea makes strong drinks.
In the morning, we went to her parents' house just outside the city for breakfast. Pancakes, fresh fruit, bacon and a big glass of milk ... oh, yes. Glorious.
And on to Boulder!

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